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Tina McElroy Ansa

Tina McElroy Ansa is the author of five celebrated and award-winning novels--Baby of The Family, The Hand I Fan With, Ugly Ways, You Know Better, and Taking After Mudear. She is the founder of the Sea Island Writers Retreat in her home state of Georgia and has taken the retreats on the road around the country. Ansa also founded an independent publishing company, DownSouth Press, which published her fifth novel, Taking After Mudear. She’s a contributor to the “Essays From Georgia” on CBS Sunday Morning, and Ansa has an honorary Doctorate of Arts from her alma mater Spelman College, where she has led several Writing/Creative workshops.


While lecturing and reading around the country, Ansa is at work on her sixth novel and is writing her first work of nonfiction. She is blessed to write in her home of St. Simons Island, Georgia, along the Gullah-Geechee Corridor, where she always has greens growing outside her door.

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